A High-Availability Bebras Competition SystemNataša Kristan, Dean Gostiša, Gašper Fele-Žorž, Andrej Brodnik
Zu finden in: ISSEP 2014 (Seite 78 bis 87), 2014
In this paper we present a new system that can be used for the Bebras and related competitions. The system supports both non-interactive tasks consisting of a question and multiple choice answers and standardized interactive tasks. It also contains a highly versatile administration interface permitting individual teachers/mentors to organize their own competitions (class-wide, school-wide, ...) that can be used in teaching of informatics. Furthermore, the system is also highly scalable and can be distributed across multiple servers.
Von NataÅ¡a Kristan, Dean GostiÅ¡a, GaÅ¡per Fele-Žorž, Andrej Brodnik im Konferenz-Band ISSEP 2014 (2014) im Text A High-Availability Bebras Competition System Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
1 Erwähnungen
- Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2019)
- The Genesis of a Bebras Task (Christian Datzko)
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