School Environments for Teaching and Learning Computer and Information LiteracyZu finden in: Preparing for Life in a Digital Age (Seite 167 bis 194), 2014
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Our focus in this chapter is on describing the school contexts for CIL learning based
on data from the ICILS teacher, ICT-coordinator, and principal questionnaires. The
data that we present here pertain to three considerations set down in ICILS Research
Question 2: “What aspects of schools and education systems are related to student
achievement in computer and information literacy with respect to (b) school and teaching
practices regarding the use of technologies in computer and information literacy, (d) access
to ICT in schools, and (e) teacher professional development and within-school delivery of
computer and information literacy programs?”
We begin the chapter by reporting on the types of ICT resources evident in the schools that participated in ICILS. We then explore the different policies and practices identified across the ICILS countries and discuss the survey respondents’ perceptions of school ICT learning environments. In the final section of the chapter, we describe the ICT-related professional development activities undertaken by teachers, as reported by principals and teachers.
Von Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, Tim Friedman, Eveline Gebhardt im Buch Preparing for Life in a Digital Age (2014) im Text School Environments for Teaching and Learning Computer and Information Literacy We begin the chapter by reporting on the types of ICT resources evident in the schools that participated in ICILS. We then explore the different policies and practices identified across the ICILS countries and discuss the survey respondents’ perceptions of school ICT learning environments. In the final section of the chapter, we describe the ICT-related professional development activities undertaken by teachers, as reported by principals and teachers.
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