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Mindstorms robots and the application of cognitive load theory in introductory programming

Raina Mason, Graham Cooper
Zu finden in: Computer Science Education 4/2013 (Seite 296 bis 314), 2013
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This paper reports on a series of introductory programming workshops, initially targeting female high school students, which utilised Lego Mindstorms robots. Cognitive load theory (CLT) was applied to the instructional design of the workshops, and a controlled experiment was also conducted investigating aspects of the interface. Results indicated that a truncated interface led to better learning by novice programmers as measured by test performance by participants, as well as enhanced shifts in self-efficacy and lowered perception of difficulty. There was also a transfer effect to another programming environment (Alice). It is argued that the results indicate that for novice programmers, the mere presence on-screen of additional (redundant) entities acts as a form of tacit distraction, thus impeding learning. The utility of CLT to analyse, design and deliver aspects of computer programming environments and instructional materials is discussed.
Von Raina Mason, Graham Cooper im Journal Computer Science Education 4/2013 im Text Mindstorms robots and the application of cognitive load theory in introductory programming (2013)

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cognitive load theory (CLT) , LEGO Mindstorms , Lernenlearning , Programmierenprogramming , Schuleschool

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