IntroductionJosé-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder
Zu finden in: Social Reading, 2013
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The emergence of new information technologies, in
particular the Internet, has triggered new ways of writing and new
ways of reading which are breaking away from traditional
conceptions of the book as a printed final product. As these new
conceptions give way to reconceptions of the book, they are
reshaping the creative process by which books are written and read.
As new notions are fostered, the creative spirit of writers and readers
and the function of books spans out in many directions and takes
many different shapes, spiralling the creative process away from
publishing circuits. The very importance of the contract- based and
technological nature of the printed book industry becomes diluted
amidst a variety of alternative forms that have broadened the
industry beyond its traditional boundaries.
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