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ICT in Initial Teacher Training

Country report Norway
Cathrine Tømte, Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Nils Henrik Solum, OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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This report is the Norwegian national report for the OECD-project “ICT in initial teacher training”. The OECD study compares 10 countries, and is a project strand within the OECD/CERI project New Millennium Learners. The present report is based on a survey conducted at three Norwegian higher education institutions and interviews conducted at two higher education institutions, as a form of case studies.
The institutions that participated in the study were Oslo University College, Sør-Trøndelag University College and Vestfold University College. We are grateful to all respondents that completed the survey and the informants that volunteered their time to participate in individual interviews, group interviews and phone interviews.
The survey was conducted by NIFU STEP, and Nils Henrik Solum had the responsibility for translating and adapting the survey for Norway. The interviews were conducted by researchers at NIFU STEP; Elisabeth Hovdhaugen conducted most of them, with some help from Erika Waagene. Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Cathrine Tømte and Nils Henrik Solum have all contributed to the report, with the first mentioned as main author. Nils Henrik Solum has written the chapter on the results from the survey. Cathrine Tømte has been project manager, with help from Elisabeth Hovdhaugen. An analysis on the specific questions asked in the Norwegian survey has been conducted by Ove Hatlevik from ITU, and the results are presented in the appendix. Per Hetland and Agnete Vabø from NIFU STEP and Morten Søby and Ove Hatlevik from ITU have read and commented on previous versions of the report.
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ICTICT , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training , NorwegenNorway

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