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iPads in the Classroom - New Technologies, Old Issues

Are they worth the effort?
Doug Reid, Nathaniel Ostashewski
Zu finden in: ED-Media 2011, 2011  
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This paper presents the results of a research project that involved introducing iPads into two elementary school classrooms to support the development of student digital storytelling skills. This was done because the school jurisdiction wanted to implement technology into grade six classrooms and provide useful support to the teachers and students. This project resulted in many positive learning experiences with the technology, with storytelling and across other components of the curriculum and the community. There are a number of implications of this research, including examining the constructionist theories underpinning the learning behind the creation of educational artifacts. In practice, there are many management issues regarding implementing new technology in classrooms as well as the pedagogical implications of giving students access to technology that can allow them to create their own understandings in classrooms.
Von Doug Reid, Nathaniel Ostashewski im Text iPads in the Classroom - New Technologies, Old Issues

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KB IB clear
Mohamed Ally

KB IB clear
iPad , microbloggingmicroblogging , Schuleschool , storytellingstorytelling , TabletTablet
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2009 local web  Mobile Learning (Mohamed Ally) 6, 4, 4, 8, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 3, 2 10 9 2 588

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LehrerIn, Tablets in education, Unterricht


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