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Information Technology Diffusion

A Review of Empirical Research
Robert G. Fichman
Erstpublikation in: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December, Dallas, 195-206.
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Innovation diffusion theory provides a useful perspective on one of the most persistently challenging topics in the IT field, namely, how to improve technology assessment, adoption and implementation. For this reason, diffusion is growing in popularity as a reference theory for empirical studies of information technology adoption and diffusion, although no comprehensive review of this body of work has been published to date. This paper presents the results of a critical review of eighteen empirical studies published during the period 1981-1991. Conclusive results were most likely when the adoption context closely matched the contexts in which classical diffusion theory was developed (for example, individual adoption of personal-use technologies), or when researchers extended diffusion theory to account for new factors specific to the IT adoption context under study.
Based on classical diffusion theory and other recent conceptual work, a framework is developed to guide future research in IT diffusion. The framework maps two classes of technology (ones that conform closely to classical diffusion assumptions versus ones that do not) against locus of adoption (individual versus organizational), resulting in four IT adoption contexts. For each adoption context, variables impacting adoption and diffusion
are identified. Additionally, directions for future research are discussed.
Von Robert G. Fichman im Text Information Technology Diffusion (1992)

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KB IB clear
E. M Rogers

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Informationstechnikinformation technology , Innovationinnovation
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1962 local  Diffusion of Innovations (E. M Rogers) 5, 10, 19, 3, 1, 1, 9, 4, 11, 8, 9, 7 77 11 7 1204


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