Data Knowledge in the Google Galaxy- and Empirical Evidence of the Google-Wikipedia Connection
Zu finden in: Report on dangers and opportunities posed by large search engines, particularly Google, 2007
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As shown in Section 1, at the moment Google determines the way we search and find information in
the net to a degree that media critics, scientists and politicians cannot longer remain silent about: they
should actively raise their voice. Section 1 dealt with the epistemological revolution in the net age:
The ranking algorithm of a private owned corporation listed on the stock exchange dictates which
information we receive and which information is neglected or even intentionally suppressed. As
elaborated in Section 1, this is a unique situation in the history of mankind.
Von Stefan Weber, Hermann Maurer im Buch Report on dangers and opportunities posed by large search engines, particularly Google (2007) im Text Google not only as main door to reality, but also to the Google Copy Paste Syndrome Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Edward R. Tufte , David A. Vise | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Google , Plagiarismusplagiarism , PowerPoint , Success to the SuccessfulSuccess to the Successful , Suchmaschinesearch engine , Wikipedia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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