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Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects

Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty
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In this paper, using the domain of passenger transport as an example, we review and compare two existing models on passenger transport (developed in the context of environmental impacts of transport), including a model on the effects of ICT on transport.
Von Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty im Text Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects (2016)
Processes leading to an increase of demand for a resource as a consequence of increasing the efficiency of using this resource in production or consumption are known as (direct) rebound effects. Rebound effects at micro and macro levels tend to offset the reduction in resource consumption enabled by progress in efficiency. Systems thinking and modeling instruments such as causal loop diagrams and System Dynamics can be used to conceptualize the structure of this complex phenomenon and also to communicate model-based insights. In passenger transport, the rebound effect can be invoked by increased cost efficiency (direct economic rebound) and/or increase in speed (time rebound). In this paper we review and compare two existing models on passenger transport - including a model on the role of information and communication technology - with regard to the feedback loops used to conceptualize rebound effects
Von Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty im Text Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects (2016)


This is the extended version of the paper “Modeling Rebound Effects in System Dynamics" by M. Ahmadi Achachlouei and L.M. Hilty, published in the proceedings of EnviroInfo 2014: http://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/1919/
Von Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty im Text Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects (2016)

iconDieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...

KB IB clear
Jay Forrester , John D. Sterman

KB IB clear
Direkter Rebound-Effekt , Efficiency (Usability-Dimension)Efficiency , Indirekter Rebound-Effekt , Klimawandel , Komplexitätcomplexity , Modellemodel , rebound effect / Jevons' paradox , Rückkopplung / Regelkreisfeedback loop , Simulation , Systemsystem , system dynamicssystem dynamics , Systemarchetypensystem archetypes , Systemdenkensystems thinking
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1961 Industrial Dynamics (Jay Forrester) 12000
2000 Business Dynamics (John D. Sterman) 5300

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