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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe


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David H. JonassenAnother method for representing story problems is provided by HERON (Reusser, 1993), a computer-based tool that used solution trees to conceptualize the structure of mathematical problem solving. Like these other tools, the tree model in HERON is designed to directly mediate the translation of the problem text into an equation without the use of a structural or situational model of the problem. HERONuses a graphical solution (conceptual planning) tree to represent the operation required to solve the problem.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Designing Research-Based Instruction for Story Problems (2003)
David H. JonassenAnother method for representing story problems is provided by HERON (Reusser, 1993), a computer-based tool that used solution trees to conceptualize the structure of mathematical problem solving. Like these other tools, the tree model in HERON is designed to directly mediate the translation of the problem text into an equation without the use of a structural or situational model of the problem. HERON uses a graphical solution (conceptual planning) tree to represent the operation required to solve the problem.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Designing Research-Based Instruction for Story Problems (2003)


David H. JonassenThe solution trees, Reusser (1993) argues, are manipulable, dynamic, and flexible means for illustrating the construction process. The objects in HERON solution trees are excellent examples of set schemas arranged to represent the process for solving the problem but not the structural relationships or situation depicted in the problem.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Designing Research-Based Instruction for Story Problems (2003)

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Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)

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iconErwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

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