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Too Much Technology (?)

Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions, Concerns, and Interest in CS Education
Jung Won Hur
Zu finden in: ICER 2019, 2019
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The purpose of this presentation is to report K-5 pre-service teachers' perceptions, concerns, and interest in computer science (CS) education. To help pre-service teachers prepare for the new Alabama technology Standards, CS education activities and resources were integrated into a stand-alone technology integration course. A total of 68 pre-service teachers majoring in early childhood and elementary education participated in the study. Before CS lessons, participants completed a pre-survey examining their perceptions and interest in teaching CS in their future classrooms. During classes, participants were introduced various CS resources including CS Unplugged, code.org, Ozobot, and Scratch. Participants were asked to create a story using Scratch and reflect on their programming experiences. A post-survey including questions similar to the pre-survey was distributed at the end of the course. The analysis of pre-survey presented that while participants shared positive views on teaching CS, they had concerns about too much emphasis on technology in K-5 classrooms. About 27% of participants disagreed with teaching CS in their future classrooms due to their concerns of excessive technology reliance. Over 36% of participants shared a lack of confidence in teaching CS before they learned CS lessons. The analysis of post-survey and reflections revealed that class activities helped participants develop positive perspectives on CS education and boost their confidence in teaching CS. While participants shared increased interest and confidence in teaching CS, the findings showed that only 17% of participants felt very confident in teaching CS, suggesting a need to provide additional trainings to help future teachers' CS teaching.

Von Jung Won Hur im Konferenz-Band ICER 2019 im Text Too Much Technology (?) (2019)

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