Design Thinking Gives STEAM to TeachingA Framework That Breaks Disciplinary Boundaries
Danah Henriksen, Rohit Mehta, Swati Mehta
Zu finden in: STEAM Education (Seite 57 bis 78), 2019
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In this chapter, we present a multi-threaded argument to suggest how design thinking can be an excellent framework for developing STEAM education. We note that STEAM is broader than mere arts integration in STEM. It reflects a view of education that is more creative, real-world-driven, and problem- or project-based in nature. To develop learning content and experiences that offer creative, authentic, real-world, and problem- or project-driven focus, teachers need more than an argument—they need a guiding framework. We suggest that design and design thinking are natural areas of interconnection with STEAM, both for learners and teachers. These ideas can be used to frame STEAM-based experiences that are more open, creative, project-based, and real-world-driven. Here, we discuss the nature of the connections between design and STEAM and focus on how teachers can use design thinking practices to help them redesign curriculum to transition from STEM to STEAM.
Von Danah Henriksen, Rohit Mehta, Swati Mehta im Buch STEAM Education (2019) im Text Design Thinking Gives STEAM to Teaching Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | design thinking , STEAM |
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