Choosing a Serious Game for the ClassroomAn Adoption Model for Educators
Kae Novak, Rurik Nackerud
Zu finden in: Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (Seite 291 bis 308), 2012
Educators eager to integrate serious games into the curriculum, but who are not trained or funded for game development, must choose an off-the-shelf or online game. These educators face a special set of questions. Current instructional design models do not address how a educator should conduct formative evaluation prior to the integration of online serious games or off the shelf games that are not specifically designed for their course. A team comprised of educators developed and tested an approach on evaluation and implementation of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) video games. The RCIPR model consists of five components for initial adoption of a game. This adoption model for evaluating COTS harnesses the power of player and instructor evaluation to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the deep learning made possible by playing a well-chosen video game. Additionally it emphasizes researching the game, working with IT personnel, piloting the game and documentation.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Computerspielecomputer game , Evaluationevaluation , Lernenlearning , serious gamesserious games , World of Warcraft |
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