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Repositories of teaching material and communities of use

nifty assignments and the greenroom
Sally Fincher, Michael Kölling, Ian Utting, Neil Brown, Phil Stevens
Zu finden in: ICER 2010 (Seite 107 bis 114), 2010
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In this paper we have discussed common problems with teaching resource repositories and the observation that simply placing some resources on a web page is usually not sufficient for effective sharing. We have presented two repositories focussed on specific resources and areas of activity. Both address the common issues that repositories face (curation, content, contribution, community, catalogue and control), which reflects the generic nature of these challenges. However, each of the two repositories chooses distinctly different mechanisms to overcome potential problems. This illustrates that different approaches can be made to work, but result in different characteristics of the interactions of users with the repository.
Von Sally Fincher, Michael Kölling, Ian Utting, Neil Brown, Phil Stevens im Konferenz-Band ICER 2010 im Text Repositories of teaching material and communities of use (2010)

Teaching material can be time-consuming and difficult to develop, even for those with experience. Teaching repositories permit the sharing of material and can thus potentially save time and enable re-use of good material. Many teaching repositories have been created for this reason, but they often see limited use and we believe there is a missed opportunity to learn lessons and improve the design of repositories accordingly. This paper reports an investigation of the use of the "Nifty Assignments" repository, in an attempt to discern reasons for the success and failure of teaching repositories to enable effective sharing. We go on to discuss the design of a new online community, the Greenroom, for teachers using the Greenfoot environment. The Greenroom attempts to focus on personal interactions and collaborative development of resources in order to increase engagement and sharing, rather than the traditional download-upload models of other repositories. The comparison and contrast of these two approaches reveal interesting insights about techniques which can contribute to the success of repositories

Von Sally Fincher, Michael Kölling, Ian Utting, Neil Brown, Phil Stevens im Konferenz-Band ICER 2010 im Text Repositories of teaching material and communities of use (2010)

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Tim Bell , Mike Fellows , Ian H. Witten

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