Performance Management and Incentive Systems in Research OrganizationsEffects, Limits and Opportunities
Stefanie Ringelhan, Jutta Wollersheim, Isabell M. Welpe
Zu finden in: Incentives and Performance (Seite 87 bis 103), 2015
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This chapter gives an overview on the effects, limits and opportunities of the different performance management and incentive systems employed in research organizations. Specifically, we discuss the existing performance management and incentive systems in research organizations as well as their advantages and disadvantages, and provide theoretically—as well as empirically—grounded recommendations for performance management and incentive systems in research organizations. In particular, we provide two recommendations. First, we advocate focusing on input governance as well as on trust in the intrinsic motivation of scholars, and independence as ways to ensure quality. Second, with regard to incentive systems, we recommend emphasizing informal-interpersonal acknowledgment.
Von Stefanie Ringelhan, Jutta Wollersheim, Isabell M. Welpe im Buch Incentives and Performance (2015) im Text Performance Management and Incentive Systems in Research Organizations Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Mathias Binswanger , Stefanie Ringelhan , Isabell M. Welpe , Deutscher Wissenschaftsrat , Jutta Wollersheim | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Motivationmotivation , Wissenschaftscience | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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2 Erwähnungen
- Incentives and Performance - Governance of Research Organizations (Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh) (2015)
- 6. Performance Management and Incentive Systems in Research Organizations - Effects, Limits and Opportunities (Stefanie Ringelhan, Jutta Wollersheim, Isabell M. Welpe)
- Lehrkräftegewinnung und Lehrkräftebildung für einen hochwertigen Unterricht (SWK Ständige Wissenschaftliche Kommission der KMK) (2023)
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Volltext dieses Dokuments
Performance Management and Incentive Systems in Research Organizations: Effects, Limits and Opportunities: Artikel als Volltext bei Springerlink (: , 261 kByte; : 2020-11-28) |
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