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Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

Instructional Approaches, Group Processes and Educational Designs
Peter Goodyear, Chris Jones, Kate Thompson
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Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and TechnologyThis chapter reviews research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Its scope includes learning that takes place face to face (F2F), remotely and in blends of F2F and remote activity. It considers learning in groups of various sizes (from dyads to learning communities). It considers a range of approaches intended to promote and support collaborative learning, including instructor-led methods, scripted methods and methods that open up space for the autonomous, creative, productive work of the collaborating learners.
The chapter builds upon and updates related chapters in previous versions of the handbook. It provides the reader with links to broad-based, landmark reviews and summaries of this area and some of the core texts on the role of technology in CSCL. The chapter reviews selected research contributions from the last 5 years, identifying some emerging themes and highlighting important unresolved issues. It provides a conceptual orientation to the nature and potential educational benefits of CSCL. It summarises research results concerning real-time (synchronous) CSCL, blended designs for CSCL and CSCL using Web 2.0 technologies. It identifies some key issues in the methodology of CSCL research and also provides an overview of recent research on CSCL design using scripts and design patterns.
Von Peter Goodyear, Chris Jones, Kate Thompson im Buch Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (2014) im Text Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

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CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Lernenlearning , social network analysissocial network analysis


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