Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainable Development Through WikiQuESDVassilios Makrakis
Zu finden in: Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education (Seite 83 bis 94), 2012
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The purpose of this paper is to reveal how a newly advanced concept 'WikiQuESD' could be utilized as a scaffolding hypermedia tool to enhance preservice teachers´ education for sustainable development (ESD) project-based learning. Through a naturalistic study, based on a group of 30 undergraduate students revealed that the use of WikiQuESD allowed preservice teachers to design and upload interactive ESD projects online through collecting, assessing, and integrating digital material available in the Web. They could also brainstorm, share, and discuss their project ideas, while the instructor could make comments and monitor the development process. These results imply that the learning power of the WikiQuESD and Wiki technology in general can transform teachers from software users to hypermedia authors.
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