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Mapping Conversation and Community

Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin
Zu finden in: Atlas of Cyberspace, 2001 local web 
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Atlas of CyberspaceSpatializations that seek to chart aspects of community and conversation are the focus of chapter 4.The primary attraction of cyberspace is its ability to foster communication between people through a variety of asynchronous (participants communicating at different times) and synchronous (participants present at the same time) media such as email, mailing lists, bulletin boards, MUDs (multi-user domains – see chapter 4), and virtual worlds. Here, we document novel ways to spatialize all these media. Although somewhat variable in their success, these spatializations are important because they seek to enrich the mode of interaction, and thus the success and pleasure of communication between users. Whilst none of the spatializations we present has significantly altered how people currently use these media, they hold great potential to do so.
im Buch Atlas of Cyberspace (2001) im Text Mapping cyberspace

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Chatchat , CommunityCommunity , CyberspaceCyberspace , Internetinternet , MUDMUD , Visualisierungvisualization

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