Implementing a Large-Scale Tablet PC Deployment
Joe Tront, Glenda R. Scales
Zu finden in: The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2007 (Seite 1 bis 10), 2007
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Bericht über den Beginn eines Tablet-PC Programms am Virginia Tech College of Engineering mit Tablet PCs für alle 1400 neueintretenden Studierenden. Das Virginia Tech College of Engineering hat bereits langjährige Erfahrungen mit One-to-One-Computing: Es war 1984 die erste öffentliche Bildungseinrichtung der USA mit Computerobligatorium für alle Studierenden.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 16.07.2008In the fall of 2006, the College of Engineering became the first and largest public college of engineering to require all 1,400 incoming freshmen students to own a Tablet PC. The purpose of this requirement program is to better facilitate pedagogical practices that are expected to improve learning, but were not readily accomplished in the previous environment. Practices that are projected to be improved include interactive classroom presentations, student-student and instructor-student collaboration, comprehensive note-taking and review, and moving the emphasis to more process oriented lectures and away from simple information broadcasting.
A large deployment effort like the one described here is multi-faceted and requires the enthusiasm and support of a broad number of constituents. Decisions on hardware and software choices required input from across the university. Training of faculty and support personnel was required. Improvements to infrastructure including network connectivity, additional classroom projection systems and increased availability of connections were some of the physical plant challenges that required attention. Sound and frequent assessment of the successes and failures of the program, and identification of potentially fruitful avenues to pursue in the future, has been part of the overriding deployment strategy from the beginning. In this paper we will expound on our approach to each of these task areas, describe how our plan took shape, and provide information on successes and failures we have had during the first year of the deployment process.
Von Joe Tront, Glenda R. Scales im Konferenz-Band The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2007 (2007) im Text Implementing a Large-Scale Tablet PC Deployment A large deployment effort like the one described here is multi-faceted and requires the enthusiasm and support of a broad number of constituents. Decisions on hardware and software choices required input from across the university. Training of faculty and support personnel was required. Improvements to infrastructure including network connectivity, additional classroom projection systems and increased availability of connections were some of the physical plant challenges that required attention. Sound and frequent assessment of the successes and failures of the program, and identification of potentially fruitful avenues to pursue in the future, has been part of the overriding deployment strategy from the beginning. In this paper we will expound on our approach to each of these task areas, describe how our plan took shape, and provide information on successes and failures we have had during the first year of the deployment process.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Computercomputer , DyKnow , OneNote , PowerPoint , Tablet PCTablet PC , Tablet PCs in educationTablet PCs in education , Wandtafelblackboard |
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The differentiating characteristic between Notebook and Tablet technology is the ability for the user to more naturally jot down ideas and sketch drawings that can be communicated with other collaborators on shared "electronic surfaces."
von Joe Tront, Glenda R. Scales im Konferenz-Band The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2007 (2007) im Text Implementing a Large-Scale Tablet PC Deployment auf Seite 4Anderswo suchen
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