Deceit, desire and controlthe identities of learners and teachers in cyberspace
Siân Bayne
Zu finden in: Education in Cyberspace, 2004
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How do students and teachers experience their identities online? How do such identities relate to those they inhabit in embodied 'real life'? This talk weaves together theories of cyberspace subjectivity with the stories of students and tutors in order to explore the themes of mutability, deceit and metamorphosis in identity construction online. In particular, it will consider the common perspective emerging from students' stories in which online modes of identity formation are viewed negatively, as a dangerous deceit or deviance from the 'natural'. These perspectives will be compared with the narratives of tutors for whom, surprisingly, the online space becomes a place in which traditional hierarchies can be re-asserted, and conventionally teacherly identities re-cast.
Von Siân Bayne im Buch Education in Cyberspace (2004) im Text Deceit, desire and control Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Donna Haraway , Sherry Turkle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | E-LearningE-Learning , Identitätidentity , Rollerole | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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