Social Networking TechnologiesA "Poke" for Campus Services
Joanne Berg, Lori Berquam, Kathy Christoph
Zu finden in: Creating the Future of IT, 2007
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Although advances in social networking technologies allow for new and perhaps more efficient means of learning and communicating, they also pose some significant challenges in higher education, especially for those campus professionals who provide student and academic services.
Von Joanne Berg, Lori Berquam, Kathy Christoph im Journal Creating the Future of IT (2007) im Text Social Networking Technologies What aspects of
Facebook, YouTube, wikis, LiveJournal, Flickr, and might translate into
new ways for creating better and more effective student and academic services? Should
campus professionals capitalize on these technologies to gain the attention of students?
From class lists and class schedules to placement services, judicial affairs, and e-learning,
campus activities and services offer a host of possible areas in which the features of social
networking technologies could play a key role.
Von Joanne Berg, Lori Berquam, Kathy Christoph im Journal Creating the Future of IT (2007) im Text Social Networking Technologies Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | E-LearningE-Learning , facebook , flickr , IT-Management in Bildungseinrichtungen , Privatsphäreprivacy , social softwaresocial software , Wikiwiki |
Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe |, Weblogs, Wiki in education |
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