Informatics Education at Vocational Schools and Colleges in AustriaMartin Weissenböck
Zu finden in: From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundamentals (Seite 32 bis 36), 2005
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The contribution offers a survey about vocational schools in Austria (both intermediate and higher education) and the development and position of the informatics education. The main area of the account lies within the technical and vocational schools and colleges, but also the other forms of vocational schools (schools of occupations in the business sector, schools of management and service industries, schools of social occupations) will be explained. In addition a selection of various special school models will be dealt with. Furthermore the development of the informatics curricula, the present state and the current trends will be described.
Von Martin Weissenböck im Konferenz-Band From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundamentals (2005) im Text Informatics Education at Vocational Schools and Colleges in Austria Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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