Different worlds?A comparison of young people’s home and school ICT use
N. Kent, Keri Facer
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20, pp440–455
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The paper proposes that the boundaries between home and school are
less distinct in terms of young people’s ICT use than has previously been proposed.
Von N. Kent, Keri Facer im Text Different worlds? (2004) This paper explores young people’s access to and use of computers in the home and at
school. Drawing on a questionnaire survey, conducted in 2001 and 2003 with over 1800
children in the South-West of England, on group interviews in school with over 190 children
and with visits to 11 families, the paper discusses: (1) children’s current use of computers in
the home and in school; 2) changing patterns of computer use in home and school between
2001 and 2003; (3) the impact of age, gender and socio-economic area on young people’s
computer use in home and school. The paper then goes on to discuss young people’s perceptions
of the differences between home and school use of computers and to address the
question of whether young people’s home and school use of information and communications
technologies (ICTs) are really ‘different worlds’. Through analysis of both quantitative
and qualitative data, the paper proposes that the boundaries between home and school are
less distinct in terms of young people’s ICT use than has previously been proposed, in
particular through young people’s production of virtual social networks through the use of
instant messenger that seem to mirror young people’s social school contexts. The paper
concludes by suggesting that effective home–school link strategies might be adopted through
the exploration of the permeability of home/school boundaries.
Von N. Kent, Keri Facer im Text Different worlds? (2004) Bemerkungen
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Personen KB IB clear | Sherry Turkle | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Familiefamily , ICTICT , Schuleschool | ||||||||||||||||||
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