ePortfolio IntroductionDesigning a Support Process
Hege Annette Olstad
Zu finden in: Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking (Seite 209 bis 220), 2020
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As a result of innovations within the computer field, educational content changes continuously. The constant change can make it challenging for some students to understand what competencies they have gained. Relevant literature indicates that ePortfolios can help students gain awareness of competencies they have achieved if given technological - and pedagogical support. The potential benefits of ePortfolios are the motivation behind the research questions: What types of support do students need when developing an ePortfolio for the first time, and how should the support be designed to make students independent when developing ePortfolios? Data is collected by observing four student assistants in computing education and their reflection on the experience of developing ePortfolios for the first time. The finding shows that the identified support process was appropriate but needs some adjustments to make students able to develop ePortfolios without further support from teachers or others. The support process identified and explored in this study will be customized based on the findings. Subsequent studies will try out the customized support among a larger group of students.
Von Hege Annette Olstad im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking (2020) im Text ePortfolio Introduction Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | E-Portfolioe-portfolio , Motivationmotivation , Portfolio |
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