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Development of Web-Based Learning Scenarios in the Semantic Web

A Connection of Didactical Aspects and Ontological Structures
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Sven HofmannThis paper investigates how teachers can be supported and guided in the planning of web-based learning scenarios. Using a graphical user-interface (GUI) the teachers should be able to choose existing learning-concepts and to realize them by web-based learning. Based on classical models of didactics a class-hierarchy of identifiers for learning-phases, learning-methods and learning-tools was developed, which is already in use by teachers in their practical work. After empirical studies this term set was transferred to scenarios of web-based learning. Didactical templates and patterns are derived. The developed term set and a competency model lead to a class-hierarchy, which is represented by an ontology for the semantic web. This ontological structure in combination with the GUI has to enable the saving, loading and sharing of learning scenarios based on web-standards. Using editors for creating the sets of meta-data and the ontology, this work offers first prototypical solutions. As part of an outlook on further research options for the mapping of the ontological structure into a learning platform are discussed. The aims of this investigation are first solutions to the largely automatic transfer of a planned learning scenario into a course structure of the chosen learning platform.
Von Sven Hofmann im Konferenz-Band Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (2017) im Text Development of Web-Based Learning Scenarios in the Semantic Web

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LehrerInteacher , Modellemodel , Ontologieontology , Semantic Websemantic web

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RDF, Schule, Unterricht


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