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Investigating the Effect of Using E-portfolio On Preservice Teachers’ Self-efficacy, Proficiency and Intention to Use Technology in their Future Classroom

Mohamed Ibrahim, Rebecca Callaway
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using e-portfolio on preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, proficiency and intention to use technology in their future classroom. By utilizing theory of planned behavior (TPB) as theoretical framework, researchers employed a mixed method to identify the strength of the effect of using e-portfolio on preservice teachers’ attitudinal beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control leading to change in their intention to use technology. Participants were 36 preservice teachers enrolled in one graduate section and two undergraduate in a required technology integration course. Multiple linear regression analysis model predicted preservice teachers’ use of technology in future classrooms. The predictor model account for 55% of the variance in students’ intention and was statistically significant. The results also found that students’ perceived proficiency is a significant predictor to use technology in future classroom. Furthermore, the use of e-portfolio improved students’ perceived self-efficacy, perceived proficiency and intention compared to beginning of the semester. Students seem to favor this teaching method and indicated that utilizing e-portfolio gave them sense of control to create personalized artifacts, manage and support their learning goals, communicate their questions and progress with others and connecting the projects they worked on to their own context and experience.
Von Mohamed Ibrahim, Rebecca Callaway im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Investigating the Effect of Using E-portfolio On Preservice Teachers’ Self-efficacy, Proficiency and Intention to Use Technology in their Future Classroom

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