A Teacher Professional Development Platform in the Big Data TrendThe Development and Application of “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room”
I-Hua Chang, Cheng-Mei Hsu, Chuan-Wei Wu
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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The TEAM Model smarter classroom is a teaching and learning (TAL) expert system with integrated software, hardware, and cloud services. The “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room” is a TEAM Model smarter classroom with a “Socrates TAL activity data analysis system” featuring intelligent technology and auto TAL activity analysis. In this paper, a “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room” is presented to improve the development of education and provide a means of collecting teaching and learning data in the classroom. This data can then be analyzed and the results used to enhance teachers’ professional development. The purposes of this study including: the analysis of the data obtained from the interaction between teacher and students will be able to help teachers to develop student-centered learning; the collection and digitization of the details of teaching methods employed by teachers will be able to identify means to promote teaching effectiveness; and the logging of Q&A sessions between teachers and students in the classroom will be able to improve such interaction.
Von I-Hua Chang, Cheng-Mei Hsu, Chuan-Wei Wu im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text A Teacher Professional Development Platform in the Big Data Trend Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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A Teacher Professional Development Platform in the Big Data Trend: The Development and Application of “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room”: Volltext als PDF (: , 1088 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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