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Technology Education in the New Zealand Curriculum: History and Rationale

Louise Milne
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 125 bis 139), 2017 local web 
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Handbook of Technology EducationThe implementation of technology education in the New Zealand school curriculum has undergone a challenging and extensive period of research, consultation, development, program trials, and curriculum review, culminating in the publication of the 2007 curriculum. This chapter outlines a history of technology education in New Zealand from the very early days of technical education in the 1900s, through to the development of the 1995 and the 2007 technology education curriculum. A brief reflection on the origins of technology is included, followed by an overview of the philosophy of technology and how the beliefs and visions of researchers and curriculum developers have formed and shaped the 2007 New Zealand technology education curriculum. While there may have been missed opportunities along the way, there is much to celebrate. In the immediate future the successes of this forward thinking and exciting subject require further consolidation and a determined effort from the technology community to continue to develop and promote technology education through the opportunities which are presenting in New Zealand in 2016 - and whatever may follow.
Von Louise Milne im Buch Handbook of Technology Education (2017) im Text Technology Education in the New Zealand Curriculum: History and Rationale

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