Computer Experience, Self-Concept and Problem-Solving
The Effects of Logo on Children's Ideas of Themselves as Learners
Barbara Burns, Alison Hagerman
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Educational Computing Research May 1989 vol. 5 no. 2 199-212
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The effects of LOGO programming experiences on children's ideas of themselves as learners were examined. Two measures of children's ideas about themselves as learners, the Intellectual Achievement Responsibility (IAR) Scale and performance on an attention task after noncontingent success and failure feedback, were employed with third-grade children before and after four and a half months of LOGO computer programming experiences. The selection of these measures was based on previous work by Carol Dweck and her colleagues on achievement motivation. The control group received computer programming experience, which in contrast to LOGO, did not emphasize the decomposition of complex problems or the recognition of errors as a natural part of problem-solving. As predicted, the children who received LOGO experience showed significant increases on the IAR scale (i.e., increases in internal locus-of-control) and a differential pattern of responding after noncontingent success feedback as compared to the control group. No differences existed between the two groups on noncontingent failure feedback. Results support our proposal that particular qualities of LOGO can increase incremental or mastery-oriented thinking in young children.
Von Barbara Burns, Alison Hagerman im Text Computer Experience, Self-Concept and Problem-Solving (1989) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Computercomputer , Denkenthinking , LOGO (Programmiersprache)LOGO (programming language) , Motivationmotivation , Programmierenprogramming |
1 Erwähnungen
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