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Science in the Hands of Strategic Management

The Metrification of Scientific Work and Its Impact on the Evolution of Knowledge
Zu finden in: Incentives and Performance (Seite 33 bis 48), 2015 local 
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Incentives and PerformanceFollowing the global triumph of New Public Management (NPM), universities are required to improve their performance in research and teaching by strategic management. The entrepreneurial university striving for monopoly rents in terms of competitive advantages as regards the availability of money and prestige on the outside is coupled with the audit university on the inside, which tries to improve research and teaching by quality management. Both are complemented by the third-party funded university, which targets ist research to recruiting third-party funds. This essay focusses on the non-intended effects counterproductive to progress in knowledge that are triggered by this transformation of universities in the context of the German science system´s specific backdrop. The evaluation of the statute of a Technical University will serve as an example here concerning ist quality management regarding the system of appointments and careers.
Von Richard Münch im Buch Incentives and Performance (2015) im Text Science in the Hands of Strategic Management

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Bruno S. Frey , Margit Osterloh

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Hochschulehigher education institution , Managementmanagement , New Public Management , Universitätuniversity
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2008 local web  Anreize im Wissenschaftssystem (Margit Osterloh, Bruno S. Frey) 4, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 7, 5, 1, 8, 1, 2 4 28 2 546


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