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The Philosophy of Science and Educational Technology Research

Sebnem Cilesiz, J. Michael Spector
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Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and TechnologyEducational technology - the study and practice of using technology to support learning and instruction - is influenced by developments in various fields such as cognitive science, information and communications technologies, and psychology. To address the broad range of questions that make up the domain of educational technology research, a variety of approaches to scientific research are relevant. To facilitate the pursuit of a diverse research agenda relying on various approaches, we discuss scientific research in the domain of educational technology, present three philosophical approaches to scientific research that are relevant to educational technology research (namely, postpositivism, constructivism, and phenomenology) along with examples, and then discuss the larger landscape of approaches to scientific inquiry. With this, we aim to contribute to expanding the domain and diversity of scientific approaches within the discipline of educational technology, thereby informing and improving subsequent educational technology research.
Von Sebnem Cilesiz, J. Michael Spector im Buch Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (2014) im Text The Philosophy of Science and Educational Technology Research

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