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e-Books for Educational Uses

Ann-Louise Davidson, Saul Carliner
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Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and TechnologyAn e-book is a publication in an electronic format that users can read with an electronic device such as an e-book reader, a tablet, a computer, or a smartphone. Although research in this domain is fairly new and little of it has been published in the educational technology literature to date, that which has been published reveals issues important to educational technologists. Some of these studies have focused on hardware, including ones for the development of electronic ink and paper. Other studies have explored specific applications of e-books in various environments of interest to educators. Libraries have studied various programs to provide e-books to patrons, the challenges in administering these programs and related reactions. Although interest exists, participants in these studies often still prefer traditional printed books. In classrooms, researchers have explored different applications of e-books to traditional learning activities. Other research has explored uses of e-books in learning contexts outside of the classroom, the impact of digital publications on the market for books and periodicals, consumer perceptions and acceptance of e-books and unique issues of copyright and intellectual property arising from digital texts. Several other areas of research contribute to our understanding about e-books, such as research on tablet ­computing, software and processes related standards for publishing content digitally, and provide initial guidance in designing and developing e-books.
Von Ann-Louise Davidson, Saul Carliner im Buch Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (2014) im Text e-Books for Educational Uses

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Buchbook , Lernenlearning , WebQuest

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