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Teaching with and about Information and Communication Technologies

Zu finden in: Preparing for Life in a Digital Age (Seite 195 bis 228), 2014 local web 
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Jedes vierte Kind in der ersten Klasse hat bereits einen eigenen Computer, wie eine neue Studie zeigt. Und sehr oft nutzen Primarschüler diesen ohne Kontrolle durch die Eltern.
Von Klappentext im Text Internet-Kinder sind suchtgefährdet (2011)
Preparing for Life in a Digital AgeThis chapter focuses not only on the extent to which the teachers who participated in ICILS 2013 were using information and communication technology (ICT) in their classrooms but also on the classroom contexts for acquisition of computer and information literacy (CIL). The chapter’s content pertains to ICILS Research Question 2: What aspects of schools and education systems are related to student achievement in computer and information literacy with respect to (a) school and teaching practices, (b) teacher attitudes to and proficiency in using computers, (c) access to ICT in schools, and (d) teacher professional development?
We begin the chapter by exploring the integration of technology into classroom practice (i.e., teaching with ICT). We review how often teachers were using ICT in their pedagogical practice, look at the characteristics of teachers who were frequently using ICT when teaching, and consider how teachers were actually using ICT in their classrooms. We then focus on the emphasis that the ICILS teachers placed on developing student computer and information literacy (CIL). From there, we look at the extent to which the participating teachers emphasized the development of CIL and the factors that were seemingly associated with them placing strong emphasis on CIL. Finally, we investigate several other details about pedagogical use of ICT. These include the tools that the teachers were using, the learning activities through which ICT was being integrated into classroom practice, and ICT-based teaching practices.
Von Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, Tim Friedman, Eveline Gebhardt im Buch Preparing for Life in a Digital Age (2014) im Text Teaching with and about Information and Communication Technologies


In diesem Kapitel sind keinerlei Daten oder Aussagen zur Schweiz enthalten. Es wird auch nicht erklärt, warum Daten zur Schweiz fehlen.
erfasst im Biblionetz am 24.11.2014

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