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The Essential Structure of Teaching Method Descriptions

Susanne Neumann, Michael Derntl, Petra Oberhuemer
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Investigations of E-Learning PatternsThis chapter presents a study regarding the construction and evaluation of a description template that captures teaching methods. Different formats for describing teaching methods such as pattern catalogues or pedagogic scenario collections exist. The goal of this work was to derive the essence of teaching method descriptions based on the results of other projects, and to evaluate the so obtained description template. The created template underwent a two-phase evaluation. During the first evaluation phase, 21 instructors described a teaching method from their context using the template and rated the template according to criteria for good descriptions. This phase showed that authors of teaching methods regarded the template as complete and thought that their method was well represented. Instructors disagreed whether the elements contained in the template were distinct. During the second evaluation phase, 33 instructors read selected teaching methods provided during the first evaluation phase. The results of the second phase showed that readers of teaching methods do not necessarily feel confident about implementing the described teaching method, which was thought of as “well described” by the teaching method’s author. Readers reported that they lacked an example implementation of the teaching method. Suggestions for adjusting the template were made based on the evaluators’ feedback including renaming and restructuring of elements. We conclude that a generic teaching method should always be accompanied by an example unit of learning, which implements this teaching method. Further research needs to be performed regarding the factors that enhance teaching method adoption and exchange outside the documentation of methods.
Von Susanne Neumann, Michael Derntl, Petra Oberhuemer im Buch Investigations of E-Learning Patterns (2011) im Text The Essential Structure of Teaching Method Descriptions

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Evaluationevaluation , Kontextcontext , Lernenlearning , patternpattern , Strukturstructure , WebQuest

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