Learning Probability through Paradox and Programming
A Case Study in a Connected Mathematics Framework
Zu finden in: Constructionism, 1990
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Uri Wilensky uses StarLogo towards a different goal: to help learners develop their intuitive conceptions of probabilistic
ideas. In Wilensky's chapter, "Learning Probability through Paradox and Programming," he presents a case study of a
learner who uses programming to help resolve a probability paradox, and in the process develops stronger intuitions
about randomness and distribution-and the connections between them. Wilensky's study illustrates that the primary
obstacles to learning probability are conceptual and epistemological, and it shows how programming can play a
powerful role in learning mathematics by making hidden assumptions explicit and concrete.
Von Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick im Buch Constructionism in Practice (1996) im Text Introduction Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Lernenlearning , Mathematikmathematics , Programmierenprogramming , StarLogo |
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