Principles of Interactive Computation
Peter Wegner, Dina Q. Goldin
Zu finden in: Interactive Computation, 2006
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This chapter explores Wegner and Goldin's contributions to interactive computing, with special emphasis on the philosophical question of how truth has been used (and misused) in computing and other disciplines. They suggest that interaction provides an empiricist model of computation that differs from rationalist mathematical algorithms models proposed in the 1960s by theoretical computer scientists, and point out that the Strong Church-Turing thesis, which reinterprets the Church-Turing thesis by applying it to all computation, contradicts the original thesis and is technically incorrect.
Von Klappentext im Buch Interactive Computation (2006) im Text Principles of Interactive Computation Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Church-Turing-These , Computercomputer , Philosophiephilosophy , Wahrheittruth |
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