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Alan KayCroquet is a computer software architecture built from the ground up with a focus on deep collaboration between teams of users.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)
Educause Review 40/5Croquet (http://www.open croquet.org/) is a 3-D collaborative, network environment in which users can meet and work together in a virtual world.
Von Anthony Potoczniak, Sarah E. Smith Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Journal Educause Review 40/5 (2005) im Text Five Points of Connectivity
Alan KayOne way to think of the Croquet environment is as a high bandwidth conference phone call. Once a connection is made, the user not only has voice communication with the other participants, he also has the ability to exchange documents, collaboratively design systems, perform complex simulations, develop complex project plans, and manage complex projects.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)
Alan KayCroquet is a computer software architecture built from the ground up with a focus on deep collaboration between teams of users. It is a totally open, totally free, highly portable extension to the Squeak programming system. Croquet is a complete development and delivery platform for doing real collaborative work. There is no distinction between the user environment and the development environment. Croquet is focused on interactions inside of a 3D shared space that is used for context based collaboration, where each user can see all of the others and what their current focus is. This allows for an extremely compelling shared experience. A new collaboration architecture/protocol called TeaTime has been developed to enable this functionality. The rendering architecture is built on top of OpenGL.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)


Alan KayCroquet is built on top of Squeak [5], a modern variant of Smalltalk, hence it is a pure object oriented based system. This allows for significant flexibility for the design and the nature of the protocols and architectures that have been developed.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)
Alan KayThe key part of the architecture making up Croquet enabling this rich level of peer-to-peer interaction is TeaTime, which is the basis for component object-object communication and world/object synchronization, including initial content synchronization.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)
Alan KayCroquet was built to answer a simple question. If we were to create a new operating system and user interface knowing what we know today, how far could we go? What kinds of decisions would we make that we might have been unable to even consider 20 or 30 years ago, when the current operating systems were first created?
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)
Alan KayCroquet is a totally ad hoc multi-user network. It mirrors the current incarnation of the World Wide Web in many ways, in that any user has the ability to create and modify a “home world” and create links to any other such world. But in addition, any user, or group of users (assuming appropriate sharing privileges), can visit and work inside any other world on the net. Just as the World Wide Web has links between the web pages, Croquet allows fully dynamic connections between worlds via spatial portals. The key differences are that Croquet is a fully dynamic environment, everything is a collaborative object, and Croquet is fully modifiable at all times.
Von David A. Smith, Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed im Text Croquet: A Collaboration System Architecture (2003)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

David P. Reed David P.
Andreas Raab Andreas
David A. Smith David A.
Ivan Sutherland Ivan
Scott Wallace Scott
Ted Kaehler Ted
Dan Ingalls Dan

iconStatistisches Begriffsnetz  Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung derjenigen Begriffe, die häufig gleichzeitig mit dem Hauptbegriff erwähnt werden (Cozitation).

iconVorträge von Beat mit Bezug


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iconZitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)

iconErwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

iconAnderswo finden

iconExterne Links

Auf dem WWW http://www.opencroquet.org/: Official Website of Croquet ( WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)

iconAnderswo suchen  Auch im Biblionetz finden Sie nicht alles. Aus diesem Grund bietet das Biblionetz bereits ausgefüllte Suchformulare für verschiedene Suchdienste an. Biblionetztreffer werden dabei ausgeschlossen.

iconBiblionetz-History Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung, wann wie viele Verweise von und zu diesem Objekt ins Biblionetz eingetragen wurden und wie oft die Seite abgerufen wurde.