Development of multimedia animations — a contribution of informatics teaching to media studiesZu finden in: Informatics and the Digital Society (Seite 179 bis 188), 2003
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The development of a multimedia visual model can be an informative process that requires and encourages a large number of abilities. This paper focuses on three dimensions of the modelling process, all connected with certain abilities. Firstly, an informative model is a simplified image of a real system. In this respect modellers are required to observe reality well, to recognise and describe structures. Secondly, the model can be regarded as a medium through which certain mental constructs and contents can be imparted to recipients (communicative aspect). Finally, a multimedia model (especially if it is to be attractive) is a complex, technical product whose implementation demands the use of methods of information technology, for example object-oriented modelling. Using the example of the object-oriented modelling of a waterworks with the help of Flash 5, the paper discusses under what conditions the development of animation in IT teaching can help modelling abilities.
Von Michael Weigend im Buch Informatics and the Digital Society (2003) im Text Development of multimedia animations — a contribution of informatics teaching to media studies Anderswo finden
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