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Integration of active methodologies with the reuse of shared online videos

Rosa Arruabarrena, Ana Sánchez, José Miguel Blanco, José Ángel Vadillo, Imanol Usandizaga
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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In this article, we present an integrated methodological approach, based on a set of proposals for teaching innovation aimed at active learning that have been separately tested and implemented in various subjects belonging to courses at different levels. Its main objective is to integrate the following elements: (1) videos generated by students and their integration into Knowledge Bases shared by the subjects involved; (2) systematic use of these videos, distributed on online platforms as a support for the flipped classroom; (3) peer assessment as an element of developing reflective and (self-) critical capability; (4) systematic use of collaboration with students and teachers from other universities in the development of the activities listed. The article is completed by providing specific data and the results obtained from the application of this methodology since 2013-14 in five subjects with a sample of 641 students in the Computer Science studies of three universities.
Von Rosa Arruabarrena, Ana Sánchez, José Miguel Blanco, José Ángel Vadillo, Imanol Usandizaga im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Integration of active methodologies with the reuse of shared online videos

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flipped classroomflipped classroom , Videovideo

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