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Students’ perceptions of using technology in flipped classrooms environment

Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley Gardner, Michael Rehm
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Given the rising popularity of online learning systems in higher education, this study investigates how students use the online material that the lecturer provides for them and how students could use that material to self-regulate their learning. We look at learning as an active process set by learners when they set the goal for themselves and monitor and regulate their learning. In this study, the lecturer provided students with different source materials such as video lectures with the option of having access to picture to picture, tournament, quizzes, and audience participation tools. The lecturer gave students participation marks based on the amount of participation they had in their class. Questionnaires were run at the end of two undergraduate courses of students (n=130) that were exposed to flipped classroom. Self-reports written by the students were analysed to find out about the perception of students regarding the new methods of teaching that they were exposed to. The analysis of data showed that students had a very high interest in the course.
Von Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley Gardner, Michael Rehm im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Students’ perceptions of using technology in flipped classrooms environment

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flipped classroomflipped classroom , Wahrnehmungperception

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