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Creating a STEAM Map

A Content Analysis of Visual Art Practices in STEAM Education
Christine Liao
Zu finden in: STEAM Education (Seite 37 bis 55), 2019 local web 
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STEAM EducationUsing content analysis as the research method, this study analyzed STEAM perspectives on and approaches to art education, arts integration, and the STEAM community, in general, to map the diverse approaches to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) education and the relationships between them. As the interest in STEAM education increases in recent years, discussions of STEAM curriculum practices also surge. However, what constitutes as STEAM curriculum remains vague. This study attempts to provide a visual map to locate different STEAM practices in order to understand how art is used in the STEAM curriculum. I start by discussing what STEAM education is and by reviewing a range of approaches to it to provide a foundation based on which educators can make their own inquiries into and create their own practices about STEAM. Based on my analysis of existing discussions focused on STEAM curricula and projects/lessons, I created the STEAM map presented in the current study to locate projects in relation to their emphasis on specific elements and goals. The goal of creating a STEAM map is to foster educators’ ability to visualize current STEAM practices and to envision as yet unmapped spaces for future directions. Through this work, educators will have a basis to see their STEAM practices/curriculum in perspective and to think beyond the limitations of STEAM.
Von Christine Liao im Buch STEAM Education (2019) im Text Creating a STEAM Map

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