Sustainability as a Transformative Factor for Teaching and Learning in Technology EducationMargarita Pavlova
Zu finden in: Handbook of Technology Education (Seite 827 bis 842), 2017
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The need for the transition to a low carbon future, and more sustainable models of development, has led to a number of economic changes such as green economic restructuring (often underpinned by innovation in new green technologies and growing opportunities for new green sector developments) and raising of awareness with respect to social and environmental challenges. This chapter reflects on the research on sustainability/sustainable development (these terms are used interchangeably in this chapter) in technology education (TE) and examines examples of TE in the national curricula where sustainability issues have been addressed. The chapter reflects on two major challenges related to curriculum development and explores additional challenges related to teaching and learning. It concludes with the suggestion that a holistic and multifaceted approach should be adopted for the inclusion of sustainability in TE that is underpinned by values transformation and is aimed at creating young people who are responsible citizens and who understand the need for a sustainable future and behave accordingly. In this suggested form, TE can help meet the changing demands of economic, environmental, and social developments in modern societies that are in turn informed by the sustainability agenda.
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