Put Down That Phone And Talk To Me
Mixing Mobile Phones and Relationships
Kate Miltner
Zu finden in: re:publica 2014, 2014
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If we believe the media (as well as common wisdom), our mobile phones are ruining our relationships. But is that really the case? This presentation explains new research from the University of Kansas and Microsoft Research which shows that when it comes mobile devices and their impact on our relationships, there’s no need to panic just yet.
Von Kate Miltner an der Veranstaltung re:publica 2014 (2014) im Text Put Down That Phone And Talk To Me The media love to tell us that mobile phones are ruining our personal lives and relationships, frequently cataloguing the myriad ways we’re going wrong: texting at the dinner table, leaving the ringer on in the movie theatre, talking loudly about personal issues in a public place, answering calls in the bathroom. Commit any of these infractions, we’re told, and we’re doing serious damage to our important relationships. One study out of Essex University claims that simply beingnear a mobile phone can negatively impact our interactions with others. Fortunately, there’s some hope on the horizon. Despite common perceptions, a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Kansas and Microsoft Research reveals that when it comes to mobile devices and their impact on our relationships, things are not as straightforward—or as dire—as they seem.
Von Kate Miltner an der Veranstaltung re:publica 2014 (2014) im Text Put Down That Phone And Talk To Me Dieses Video erwähnt ...
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