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The Technology Enthusiasts' Argument

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Allan CollinsRichard HalversonChapters 2 and 3 consider the debate between technology enthusiasts and technology skeptics. We think that the skeptics are correct in that there are deep mcompatibilities between technology and schooling, but that the enthusiasts are correct in that education must change to stay relevant in the wake of the Knowledge Revolution. As we mentioned in the preface, we have been proponents of technology, and while we consider the skeptics' points fully, we also hope to convince readers of the opportunities and value of technology in leaming. We see the response to the new technologies taking place mostly outside of schools as they are currently constituted, and we argue that we need to rethink schooling in the light of the new technologies.
Von Allan Collins, Richard Halverson im Buch Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology (2009) im Text How Education is Changing auf Seite  7
Allan CollinsRichard HalversonDevelopments in technologies have often played a critical role in bringmg about social and institutional change. Enthusiasts predict that the sweeping technological changes experienced in the worlds of business and entertainment must also take place in schools. Hence, many educators and technologists have made predictions as to how the processes of teaching and learning will be transformed by the new information technologies. There are two arguments that technology enthusiasts make as to why new technologies will revolutionize schooling. One is that the world is changing and we will need to adapt schooling to prepare students for the changing world they are entermg. The other is that technology gives us enhanced capabilities for educating learners, and that schools should embrace these apabilities to reshape education. Enthusiasts have argued that embracing these two ideas will radically transform the way schools educate students.
Von Allan Collins, Richard Halverson im Buch Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology (2009) im Text The Technology Enthusiasts' Argument

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