Methodological Issues in the Study of ProgrammingD.J. Gilmore
Zu finden in: Psychology of Programming (Seite 83 bis 98), 1990
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The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide readers with a sufficient understanding
of methodological issues to enable them to consider critically the numerous
experimental results presented elsewhere in the volume, particularly given the potential
conflicts between controlled laboratory studies and real-world observations.
The chapter commences with a review of the many reasons why data might be collected
in the study of programming, before looking at the choice of programming
tasks for investigation. This is followed by an introduction to the key concepts
of experimental design - statistical significance, effect size, sample size and power
- since understanding the distinctions between these is critical in applied research,
even when behaviour is being observed in real-world contexts. Methods for observing
programming behaviour in situ are presented next, followed by a brief discussion of
some special issues which arise when we try to generalize from applied research. The
Chapter concludes with some example case studies which are intended to emphasize
the complementary nature of controlled methods versus observation and artificiality
versus the real world.
Von D.J. Gilmore im Buch Psychology of Programming (1990) im Text Methodological Issues in the Study of Programming Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | BASIC (Programmiersprache)BASIC (programming language) , Pascal (Programmiersprache) , Programmierenprogramming , Statistikstatistics , Wissenschaftscience |
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