Faculty development for new technologiesPutting mobile learning in the hands of the teachers
Geraldine Lefoe, Ian Olney, Rob Wright, Anthony Herrington
Zu finden in: New Technologies, New Pedagogies, 2009
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This chapter identifies staff development strategies for the use of mobile learning technologies in higher education. We discuss how staff members were engaged in using the technologies for six months prior to introducing them to their students for learning activities within a Faculty of Education. We explain key concepts of authentic and mobile learning to underpin a methodology involving an action learning process. We identify five key strategies to support this learning: a shared understanding of the theoretical frameworks and philosophies; both an understanding of affordances of the technologies and time to develop skills; participation in authentic tasks; development of a shared language, knowledge and understanding of new pedagogies; and a cycle of reflection. Our findings support the notion that a social-constructivist framework provides an exemplary approach for staff development.
Von Geraldine Lefoe, Ian Olney, Rob Wright, Anthony Herrington im Buch New Technologies, New Pedagogies (2009) im Text Faculty development for new technologies Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Jean Lave , Diana G. Oblinger , James L. Oblinger , Donald A. Schön , Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky , Etienne Wenger | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | LehrerInteacher , Mobiltelefonmobile phone | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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