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Integrating Tablet PC Technology into the Dimensions of Learning Pedagogical Framework

Craig Scott, Pamela Leigh-Mack, Jumoke Ledeji-Osias, Nykia Jackson, Solomon Alao
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The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006This paper describes an investigation of a method to use Tablet PC penbased technology to augment the Dimensions of Learning (DOL) pedagogical frame work. We study the effect of Tablet PC ownership on engineering students’ attitudes and perceptions and how to help students construct meaning through the use of specialized note taking software, Microsoft OneNote, in an active learning classroom environment. Our findings reveal that the length of time of ownership and student classification or maturity has a positive impact on our student’s attitudes and perceptions about mobile technology. In addition, handwritten notes are generally preferred by most students but the users of the Tablet PCs appeared to take better notes, feel more inclined to share their notes, and benefit more from the summary exercises that helped them construct meaning.
Von Craig Scott, Pamela Leigh-Mack, Jumoke Ledeji-Osias, Nykia Jackson, Solomon Alao im Konferenz-Band The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006 (2006) im Text Integrating Tablet PC Technology into the Dimensions of Learning Pedagogical Framework

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Computercomputer, OneNote, Tablet PCTablet PC, Tablet PCs in educationTablet PCs in education

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