A Community of Designers
Learning through Exchanging Questions and Answers
Michele Evard
Zu finden in: Constructionism in Practice, 1996
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Michele Evard examines a different type of network-based community in her chapter: "A Community of Designers: Learning through Exchanging Questions and Answers." Evard examines how a computer-based network allowed
elementary-school children to share ideas with one another during an extended design project. Her study focuses on
two classes. In one class, children were designing their own video games; another class of children, who had already
designed games, acted as consultants on the network. The children exchanged questions and answers with one
another through a Usenet-style "newsgroup." Evard analyzes usage patterns of the network, examines the nature of
interactions among children on the network, and discusses the evolving sense of community among the participants.
Von Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick im Buch Constructionism in Practice (1996) im Text Introduction Michele Evard has examined how a computer network allowed elementary-school students to
share ideas with one another while they were engaged in a project designing their own video games '&vard,
19961. The students exchanged questions and answers through a Usenet-style newsgroup. By the end of the
project, the students produced much more sophisticated video games than students in previous years (who did
not have access to network discussion groups). The students found answers to technical problems more quickly,
and good design ideas spread through the class more rapidly. Interestingly, Evard found that the students used
the video game newsgroups much more frequently than they used other online newsgroups that were not
directly associated with ongoing construction activities.
Von Mitchel Resnick im Text Distributed Constructionism (1996) Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
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