The Crisis in Information Technology SupportHas Our Current Model Reached Its Limit?
Polley A. McClure, John W. Smith, Toby D. Sitko
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New users want authority, but lack expertise to
make decisions
Users who have only experienced information
systems through a Windows, Macintosh, or Web
interface may be inclined to believe that “all it
takes is a click” to achieve the power and magic
they experience every day. These users do not
understand the mechanisms underlying this magic
and the complexity required to make it all happen.
Technology staff work with tools that most staff,
faculty, and administrators do not understand.
Nonetheless, these users and administrators assume
that they do, and that their decisions are as valid,
or more so, than those of the technology
professional with twenty years of experience.
von Polley A. McClure, John W. Smith, Toby D. Sitko im Text The Crisis in Information Technology Support (1997) Einträge in Beats Blog
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1 Erwähnungen
- The Strategic Management of E-Learning Support - Findings from American Research Universities (Franziska Zellweger Moser) (2007)
- 4. Context and Concepts - A Literature Review
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