Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K-8 Classrooms
Mark van t Hooft, Annette Kratcoski, Karen Swan, Fritz Unger
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Volume 38, Number 1 Fall 2005
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This preliminary study employed mixed methodologies to explore students’ use of mobile computing devices and its effects on their motivation to learn, engagement in learning activities, and support for learning processes. Data collected from students in four elementary and two seventh grade science classes in Northeast Ohio included usage logs, student work samples, student and teacher interviews, and classroom observations. Findings highlight the personalization of learning afforded by such devices both in terms of individuals and individual classroom cultures, as well as their usefulness in extending learning beyond the classroom. They also suggest that increased motivation due to mobile device use leads to increases in the quality and quantity of student work.
Von Mark van t Hooft, Annette Kratcoski, Karen Swan, Fritz Unger im Text Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K-8 Classrooms (2005) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Handheld / PDAHandheld , Handheld / PDA in schoolHandheld / PDA in school , Motivationmotivation , USA |
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